Email: info@himalayanyogatradition.com. Call: 888-964-2887
*These retreats may be cancelled depending on the COVID situation in India. 2024: - *Mar 10-23, 2024: Level I and Level III Teacher Training, SRSG, Rishikesh, India
- *Mar 25-29, 2024: 500-HR Certification, SRSG, Rishikesh, India
- *Nov 3-16, 2024: Level I and Level II Teacher Training, SRSG, Rishikesh,India
- *Nov 18-2, 2024: 200-HR Certification, SRSG, Rishikesh, India
2025: Location: Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama Rishikesh, India |
There are no retreats scheduled in New Jersey at this time. The following description is of the 2012 retreat. The Meditation Center in Minnesota schedules Silence Retreats regularly.
For registration please send email to sales@hyt-ttp.com. |
Swami Veda Bharati invites you to participate in the cornerstone of our program, the yearly retreat. Retreats are centered on satsanga and meditation with Swamiji, and include a comprehensive roster of classes in hatha yoga, pranayama, meditation and other facets of yoga science and philosophy with a highly qualified teaching staff. An annual retreat is required for all students in the Continuing Studies and Teacher Training Program. It is recommended for all program graduates. Yoga Alliance CEUs are available for experienced Yoga Teachers in any tradition attending our retreats. We also suggest that initiates, aspirants and graduates deepen their practice by attending an annual retreat.
Retreats and workshops are scheduled internationally throughout the year. Please join our email list to receive updates to our schedule. |