600/500 Hour and 200 Hour Teacher Training Certification Teacher Training students have the option of our comprehensive 600 hour program which can be completed in a minimum of 3 years or our 200 hour program which can be completed in a minimum of one year. These programs are registered with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-500 and a RYT-200, respectively. Both programs begin with our Level One curriculum, which is supported through our web-based home study, mentoring, and the training presented at the annual retreat. After attending the Level One retreat and completing the home study assignments associated with it, the student has the option of completing the 200 Hour certification and/or continuing with the Level two and Level three phases of the 600/500 Hour program (see Certification Path).
Continuing Studies
Continuing Studies students will receive the same high quality instruction as those in teacher training with no testing requirements. Students can sign up for 1 or 2 weeks of the annual retreat. All credit hours will be tracked and can later be applied to teacher certification if the student wishes. The student will have access to the members-only web site and can register for the entire 600 Hour program or register for Level One initially and progress through the program at their pace. Deepening Levels The student will progress through three study levels becoming gradually more aware of the subtle layers of personality. Swami Rama defined this growth process as the attainment of some degree of disentanglement from attachments, allowing one to see that which s/he was previously "blind to": Level One - Awareness: exploration and self-acceptance Level Two - Control: mindfulness and regulation of emotions Level Three - Synthesis: harmonious whole personality Program Pace The program pace can be established individually by each student. The minimum time to complete each level is one year; however, due to life's responsibilities the student, with their mentors consent, may personalize the duration for each level. Spiritual Guidance The program provides satsanga (company of like-minded seekers) and personal guidance from senior teachers. This is uniquely implemented through our mentorship program and our innovative members-only web site. When the student is ready to deepen their spiritual practice, they will request initiation. Initiation in the Himalayan Yoga Meditative Tradition is a direct transmission of the energy of Consciousness from a qualified preceptor. From that time forward, the student will receive additional spiritual guidance from the preceptor. By the advanced level, yoga teachers may wish to continue their studies in Rishikesh, India and become disciples of the Himalayan Tradition gaining a deep knowledge of the Tradition, its practices and its texts and scriptures.
How does the 600/500 Hour program work? Participants attend three two-week intensive retreats at one of our International locations. In addition, before certification, many students enjoy a stay at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama in Rishikesh, India and become an initiate in the Tradition (see Certification Path). Students complete a 3 level comprehensive Home Study Program of guided self-study with support from a local mentor and senior teachers through our members-only web site. The student's progression through the home study is managed interactively and supported by an active discussion board. The board is utilized by students and mentors worldwide and monitored by senior teachers. Registered students have access to our online Student Library of Home Study assignments, detailed curriculum, audio lectures (MP3), transcripts of Swami Veda's Lectures, booklets, and articles (see program features). How does the Mentoring Program Work? The mentoring program was established to support students between retreats. The role of mentors is to assist students in overcoming obstacles and solving problems. Students contact (in person, phone or e-mail) their mentors to let them know how they are doing, ask questions on practices and assignments, and schedule required practice teaching sessions. Mentors communicate with the HYT-TTP faculty regarding their students’ progress, recommending advancement between Levels when all assignments are completed and initiating the certification process once all requirements are met. Choosing One’s Mentor Students select a Yoga teacher with whom they would like to establish a mentor relationship. Mentors can be chosen from any of the registered HYT mentors, one’s local teacher, or an HYT-TTP graduate. The qualifications for HYT-TTP mentors are: - To be Yoga teachers of substantial experience: at least five years and a minimum of 300 hours of teaching.
- To have a thorough grounding in their styles of asana practice. They may be certified in traditions of practice other than HYT.
- To have an understanding of the HYT-TTP prana-vidya style of instruction. This can be ascertained through an interview with a senior teacher.
If your chosen Mentor is not already in our program, please ask them to apply to our program by clicking here Mentor Application. • 600/500 Hour Teacher Training Certification: $2,400 US • 200 Hour Teacher Training Certification: $1,400 US • Continuing Studies: $2,400 US
The 600 Hour and Continuing Studies tuition can be paid in 3 segments as the student progresses beginning with Level One, then Level Two, and finishing with Level Three. The tuition rate is subject to change on an annual basis; therefore, it is suggested that all 3 levels be paid at the time of acceptance into the program. The current tuition rate per level is $800. This rate is the same whether you enroll as a continuing studies student or a teacher training student. Additional to tuition is the cost of books, travel, and room and board for retreats. A small number of scholarships are available. Retreat Tuition Fee: Each segment of the tuition fee includes participation in one 2-week retreat. If the student wishes to repeat a 2-week retreat the fee will 50% of the current tuition fee for that segment. For example, if a 600 Hour Level One student wishes to repeat the 2-week Level One Retreat the retreat tuition fee would be $400.00. Note: There is an accomodation fee associated with all retreats to cover the room and meals. The accomodation fee will not be discounted when a retreat is repeated. Tuition Refund Policy: If a student wishes to withdraw from the Himalayan Yoga Tradition - Teacher Training Program after paying tuition fees, 30% of said payment will be charged for administrative fees. The request for refund of the remaining 70% should be in writing to the HYT-TTP International Office in California. The monies will be refunded to the applicant within 30 days of receiving the request for refund. "Please remember to be an effective teacher, you have to be an effective person overall." Swami Veda, has designed this multifaceted program to guide you through the personal development, the academic knowledge, and the practical experience you need to become an effective Yoga Teacher. Please complete and submit the following application. Our acceptance process is normally completed within 14 calendar days. You will receive an email upon our receipt of your application.